StimulusReflex and view_component_reflex Quickstart Guide

Created: 2020-08-08, Last Updated: 2023-02-04

StimulusReflex is a newer gem designed to make Rails more responsive. It's similar to Phoenix's LiveView. They both use web sockets to pipe communications between the browser and the server, and this can make web pages responsive.

viewcomponentreflex takes StimulusReflex a step further in that it allows us to manipulate view_components instead of complete Rails views. View components are nice in that they allow us to break up a view into reusable components that can be unit tested separately from views.

Our goal is to set this up in a new project and get something working. If you're following along your first step is to install ruby and rails however you want, and then rails new a project. It should be noted that these gems are in active development, so you may run into issues from changes.

Setting up StimulusReflex

First we need Stimulus. It's purpose is to connect DOM objects to javascript objects called controllers. By doing this we can leverage DOM events (e.g. clicks, mouseovers, focuses, blurs, etc) to trigger javascript behaviors defined in our Stimulus controllers. Anyway it's a supporting tool here, and we add it into our rails project like so.

bundle exec rails webpacker:install:stimulus

Next comes adding in the StimulusReflex gem. bash bundle add stimulus_reflex but we also need to add in the javascript part of StimulusReflex bash yarn add stimulus_reflex It's important to note here that you'll need to keep the gem and the javascript packages of StimulusReflex on the same version. Anyway we finally need to install StimulusReflex

bundle exec rails stimulus_reflex:install

Setting up viewcomponentreflex

NOTE: As of 2020-08-08 this worked with version 2.1.2. Version 2.1.3 appears to not work with these instructions. You can pin the viewcomponentreflex to 2.1.2 in your Gemfile..

This part is easy. We just need to add the gem for viewcomponentreflex

bundle add view_component_reflex

Setting up view_component

Also easy, add the following to config/application.rb right after require 'rails/all'

require "view_component/engine"

At this point if you run bundle exec rails server and then visit http://localhost:3000/ you should see the default "Yay! You’re on Rails!" page.

Getting the state viewcomponentreflex example working

First we need a Rails controller and view to make this work. So the first step is getting the StateExample controller up with a Rails generator.

bundle exec rails generate controller StateExample how_neat

At this point you should be able to access http://localhost:3000/stateexample/howneat if you left your rails server running.

The next step is that we're going to copy the counter_component and its erb view from viewcomponentreflex_expo

Then to render that new component we add <%= render( %> to app/views/state_example/how_neat.html.erb. You can put it anywhere.

At this point you should see the new component in the view we just created. If not try restarting your rails server. in case you want to just get to the end result.
